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League Bulletin

December 2, 2016

A special legislative session may be just ahead. Gov. Pat McCrory, at an event in Kinston on Friday, 这似乎表明,他将召集州议员回到罗利,参加将于12月11日开始的会议. 13. Details were not certain at the time of this publication.

But it follows a Wednesday news release in which the governor said he planned to "submit proposals to the North Carolina General Assembly to address in a special session" and that his "major goal in the short term is to help people affected by the storm, especially during winter months."

不久之后,有关可能召开特别会议的公开讨论开始了 October's Hurricane Matthew, 这是北卡罗来纳州多年来最致命的风暴之一, left parts of the state facing bleak conditions. 州长办公室报告说,风暴造成的经济损失估计为20亿美元.

League President and Zebulon Mayor Bob Matheny (center) hears updates on storm recovery during a Tuesday input session jointly held by the League and NCACC, whose executive director, Kevin Leonard, is pictured at left. Photo credit: Ben Brown

周二,来自全州各地的地方政府官员聚集在罗利,进行最后一轮 Hurricane Matthew-focused input sessions put on by the League and the N.C. Association of County Commissioners. Information gathered at these sessions is being provided to North Carolina's congressional delegation as Congress discusses a relief package for the state. During Tuesday's meeting, 与会者就灾后恢复工作提供了意见,以便对未来风暴后果进行最好的管理, 听到了当地官员需要知道的重要信息,包括援助的截止日期. Here's a roundup:

For municipalities located in 49个获得公共援助的县, the N.C. Department of Public Safety is encouraging local governments to document any possible damages to public infrastructure and buildings, 即使他们不确定损失是否是由飓风马修造成的, 并准备在要求时向联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)和州提交这些信息. FEMA and the state will hold public assistance kick-off meetings to inform local governments about the reimbursement process and filing deadlines. 有关官员表示,稍后将确定损失是否由飓风马修造成, 但现在最好还是继续,附上任何损害的文件, as it is difficult to add it later.

FEMA will be picking up 75 percent of the reimbursement, 该州已经同意收回剩下的25%. 市政当局应该让居民意识到,申请个人援助的截止日期是1月10日. 9. 居民可申请个人援助(网址: and report any potential claims before the deadline, 不管损害看起来多么小或微不足道. 未能在1月8日或之前提交和报告潜在的索赔. 9将阻止个人在以后获得任何潜在的补偿. 居民可以去一个地区中心或在网上申请, a website that includes unemployment information, food and nutrition assistance, and other resources.  Also, 市政官员应该向他们的居民强调,他们应该只把援助资金用于预定的目的. In some cases, 居民可以获得住房报销,用于维修或购买新房. 令人担心的是,一些居民可能会用这些资金进行不明智的购买, especially with Christmas around the corner, 随后就没有经济资源来照顾他们的长期住房需求.  
Municipalities should additionally communicate with businesses and make them aware that the deadline for filing for physical property damage is Dec. 经济损害赔偿申请截止日期为2017年7月10日. 有关企业如何以及在何处申请或请求援助的信息,可在以下网站找到该网站还提供有关小企业贷款和援助的信息.
East Carolina University’s Office of Innovation and Economic Development is offering assistance to municipalities in the areas affected by Hurricane Matthew by offering grant writing assistance, training and development of municipal staff, 提供技术和财政资源,并提供行政和管理支持. Click here for info.

The League and NCACC this week issued North Carolina's congressional delegation a letter cosigned by League President Bob Matheny and NCACC President Fred McClure detailing important points of discussion from these input sessions. "Our collective goal is to provide a clear and comprehensive picture of the major needs and suggested next steps that will allow our communities to rebuild," they wrote, adding: "We ask that you seriously consider this information as you have an opportunity to influence the details of a recovery package. 此外,我们鼓励你们支持麦克罗里州长请求联邦援助的请求. 我们不能夸大满足请求中概述的需要是多么重要. Our hope is that, with your support, 一项联邦援助计划将为我们的州和居民提供最大的利益."

Although the U.S. 美国劳工部(USDOL)关于加班工资的新规定将不会按计划生效——该规定原定于12月9日生效. 1, before a federal judge blocked it -- plenty of questions remain. Among them: What now? The League is pleased that this problematic rule, 这项法案将把加班费的权利扩大到数百万以前被豁免的工人身上, 因为它会给政府雇主和预算带来不公平的负担而被搁置, which are already constrained by limited revenue sources. 但是地方政府应该做些什么来为可能发生的事情做准备呢? 由于目前针对该规则的禁令只是暂时的,因此 UNC School of Government has issued an explainer that lays out background, how the injunction came to be, what happens next and what employers should do.

The League reported on the rule in May. Basically, 它将免除员工1.5倍工资的门槛提高到每周913美元, or $47,476 per year, which is double the prior level. 明显的潜在影响促使365足彩下载领导人写信给联邦官员,敦促他们重新审视这项规定. "We do not think (USDOL) would have issued the final rule in its current form if it had seriously considered the impact on public sector operations and budgets,365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶和当时的主席莱斯廷·哈钦斯共同写道. "As you are aware, 公共部门的薪金受到收入来源有限的限制, 城镇被要求保持预算平衡,这限制了它们减轻额外成本的能力." USDOL offers information about the rule here.

The N.C. 规则审查委员会(RRC)最近采取了最后一步,批准了监管机构对该州雨水规则的修订. The N.C. Environmental Management Commission (EMC) worked with N.C. Department of Environmental Quality staff to conduct several years of detailed stakeholder involvement that resulted in these revisions. 四名市政雨水专家参加了利益相关者的讨论, which focused on defining technical standards for stormwater control measures as well as creating a fast-track permitting option for these devices (read more background here).

The package 还包括对现有雨水规则的重大重组和更新, which was prompted by the "review of rules" process, 一项立法授权,要求州政府机构每10年审查并可能改变其规则. An ongoing issue of the rule package focused on which licensed professionals should be allowed to access the new fast-track permitting process, 注意到由于雨水管制措施的计划在建造前不会进行检讨, 提交申请的专业人员必须具备雨水设计能力,以确保公众和财产得到保护. Additionally, under their federal stormwater permits, 城市和城镇通常需要确保雨水控制措施永久运行. League affiliate organization the Storm Water Association of North Carolina provided detailed advance comments to the EMC that highlighted these issues. 既然监管委员会已经批准了这些规定,它们将于1月10日生效. 1, 2017.

To help ensure the accuracy of the 2020 Census, the U.S. 人口普查局将再次与其他政府合作,参与本地人口普查地址更新(LUCA)计划. The LUCA program will provide an opportunity for designated representatives of local and state governments to review residential addresses contained in the Census Bureau's database prior to the 2020 Census.

This flyer provides more information regarding the LUCA schedule. 市长们应该留意2017年1月通过邮件提前通知LUCA. 由于许多原因,人口普查计数的准确性对社区至关重要, 包括联邦政府依靠这些信息来分配超过4000亿美元的资金.

firstnetc本周举办了一个博览会,讨论各种公共安全和应急响应的新兴技术和问题. 谈话的一个主要话题是国家公共安全宽带网络的状况. Congress created the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) in 2012 to be the entity responsible for the deployment and operation of a national network that will provide emergency responders with data interoperability where none exists or for when commercial communication services are overloaded. The public safety community still awaits the announcement of which contractor was selected to build the network and the details of that agreement. NC OneMap and Next Generation 911 在ted式的演讲中,还讨论了哪些公共安全问题. Presentations from the expo will be posted on the FirstNetNC website once available.

来自泽布伦镇和威克县的消防救援官员聚集在加里的SAS总部,讨论技术解决方案. 前景是威克县消防局长尼克·坎帕萨诺. Seated to his left is Zebulon Fire Chief Christopher Perry. Photo credit: Ben Brown   

Municipal officials tasked with managing the roaring growth of so many cities and towns in North Carolina are increasingly finding a friend in the merger of technology and data -- a key piece of the "smart cities" movement. Officials from seven North Carolina municipalities joined heads for advanced brainstorming and problem-solving on Wednesday in an event put on by SAS at the analytics company's Cary headquarters. There, 这些城镇列出了他们今天面临的实际问题,并通过技术视角制定了战略. One of the participants, the Town of Zebulon, 随着威克县以罗利为基础的温床向东扩展,未来几年将出现潜在的变革性增长. Data and technology may merge to help the burgeoning town zero in on the best possible locations for future fire and rescue stations, based on analyses of growth projections, demand, travel time for fire trucks, residential and commercial development permitting, available land, site costs and other factors.

像许多其他城市一样,这个城市正在努力跟上今天的增长,同时为未来的发展做好准备. 当地官员指出,越来越多的住房开发项目正在进行中, 这意味着对消防等公共服务的需求会增加. 在这种情况下,西布伦面临的挑战不仅是要找出在哪里建立新的空间站, but also how to add more resources in the ensuing years and to make sure the financial resources -- and public understanding -- are in place. Scientifically supported cases or recommendations for municipal expenses as such may give the public and elected officials alike more comfort when it comes time to approve them.

Efficiency is a goal. The City of Durham, another one of Wednesday's participants, 为更好地监控政府能源消耗和提高能源项目的投资回报率提供技术可能性. Apex镇探索更智能的水电系统. Morrisville, Cary, Orange County, 温斯顿-塞勒姆和夏洛特也参加了这次活动, called Envision Carolina. For the most part, 这是一个展示地方政府如何通过数据收集巧妙地解决问题的练习, computer analysis, models and wireless opportunities. 将需要进一步讨论以执行在会议上制定的任何解决方案. Click here to read more about where it started and here for a primer on "smart cities."

Don't miss out on the conversation -- Municipal Equation, the League's biweekly podcast, 使您可以轻松了解当今各地市政当局发生的事情, and why they matter. Click here to listen. Each episode is a digestible pack of information, driven by engaging interviews with experts, 让我们了解城市和城镇在这个充满活力的时代所经历的事情. Want a preview of the next episode? Click here. We'll take on unmanned aerial systems, or drones, 以及与市政厅相交的地方(这也是焦点) a recent League educational forum led by Rep. John Torbett, who you'll hear in the upcoming episode). 在监管方面,无人机对地方政府意味着什么? What are the rules to fly one? 以及地方政府如何采用无人机来更好地提供服务? We'll hear from national and state experts, 来自北卡罗来纳州一个已经在飞行无人机的小镇, in the next Municipal Equation, out on Tuesday.

What did you think of the last episode? Could a mobile city hall work in your hometown? As we heard, 波士顿市将一辆餐车改造成带轮子的市政厅,取得了很大的成功, 在那里,任何人都可以访问公共服务的“菜单”,并更容易地与当地政府建立联系. Now, the City of Durham is giving it a try. Missed the episode? No worries. Check it out here. 如果你对未来的节目有任何想法,请联系主持人兼制片人本·布朗

A federal court has ordered the N.C. 重新划定州参众两院选区边界,并在2017年举行新的选举. That's to comply with a recent U.S. District Court determination that 28 districts were drawn under racial gerrymandering. News outlets are reporting 联合国大会必须在3月15日之前划定新的地区. As the News & Observer notes在美国,每一位选区变更的议员的任期都会缩短. Under the court order, 初选将在8月底或9月初举行,大选将在11月举行. Republican legislators Rep. David Lewis of Dunn and retiring Sen. Bob Rucho of Matthews released a joint response criticizing the court order. They called it a "politically-motivated decision" that would "effectively undo the will of millions of North Carolinians just days after they cast their ballots, (and) is a gross overreach that blatantly disregards the constitutional guarantee for voters to duly elect their legislators to biennial terms.他们计划上诉,为现有的地图辩护,他们认为这些地图符合宪法. In related news, 威斯康星州的一个联邦法院裁定该州的立法区地图违宪,认为这是基于党派的不公正划分. Click here to read about that case.

在本财政年度的前三分之一,州税收超过预期1.91亿美元, the state's latest financial report shows. A release from the governor's office 理由是个人收入和特许经营税收的增长好于预期. 据州预算官员称,10月份的普通基金总收入为46美元.3 million or 2.6 percent above target. Click here for news coverage.

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Heard about Here We Grow but aren't sure what to do with it? Here's why it's so important that you join the movement: North Carolina’s economic strength is rooted in the diversity of its cities and towns — a diversity that’s the direct result of allowing local residents to pursue their own unique visions. We encourage you -- our member cities and towns -- to join in this effort to promote the municipal investments that are crucial to growing our state’s economy, and to educate the public about their importance.

Here We Grow -- online at ——让你能够讲述你所在城市的经济发展故事, and how they came to be through your intentional efforts. Here We Grow gathers these stories in one place to show their collective value to North Carolina.

没有人比这些故事发生的城镇的人们更了解这些故事了. 帮助传播你所看到的成功——从工厂城镇以新的方式利用旧资源, 去那些聪明的想法正在把它们变成创新中心的大城市. By telling these stories, 你可以确保城市和乡镇有行动和投资的自由,以对他们的居民最有意义的方式.

You can also support and amplify what we do by liking us on Facebook, following us on Twitter 并与您自己的商业人士和社区成员网络分享我们的信息. If you have a story you’d like to share, a question to ask or you want to get more involved, please email us at

We look forward to hearing from you. Because when we all pull together, 我们就能让北卡罗莱纳州的经济朝着正确的方向发展. Members can click here to access resources, including a customizable Here We Grow presentation, that strengthen the power of this message.

One of the main reasons to build a grassroots network is that the power of individuals -- when they join together -- magnifies far beyond the influence any one individual can have. 正是这个简单的前提推动了365足彩下载的草根项目 League LINC (Legislative Information Network of Communities). 今天——距离2017年立法会议开始只有一个多月的时间——我们要求你这样做 join our network of municipal officials across the state. Once you sign up online, 你可以通过注意你可以接触哪些立法者来建立365足彩下载的基层365足彩下载的力量. 365足彩下载的有效性依赖于你的加入 take five minutes now to become a member. 已经加入LINC的数百名市政官员感谢你们.